Sirha Omnivore Paris & Paris Coffee Show 2024


Céline & Jérôme Urbain

Distillerie Plus Oultre



Always further afield! This is the motto of the charming Belgian town of Binche, wisely wedged between Mons and Charleroi, but which reveals itself to the world every year at the time of its splendid carnival. Toujours plus loin" is the French word for "further afield". Jérôme and Céline Urbain have made this their distillery's program, launching their local gin in 2018, since followed by a vodka, a bitter and a rum, among others. High-flying craftsmanship to make more than one Gilles waltz.

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Scène Liquide
Sep 8, 2024
2:30 PM3:05 PM

Gilles' gin

Céline & Jérôme UrbainDistillerie Plus OultreFondateurs
In Belgium, brewing is a well-known tradition. But Belgium has also been distilling for centuries, with a know-how that has never been lost. Demonstrate and taste the proud spirits concocted by Jérôme and Céline Urbain at Plus Oultre.