Sirha Omnivore Paris & Paris Coffee Show 2024


Stéphanie Le Quellec

La Scène



She may not wear a cape, but Stéphanie Le Quellec is a culinary superhero. Having braved the George V from an early age, she takes on the great tests of her craft with bewildering mastery: she won Top Chef in 2011, earned 2 Michelin stars at the Prince of Wales before winning them back in her own restaurant, La Scène in 2019. A cook with broad-spectrum gastronomic superpowers: she launches her own caterer, MAM, with her pastry chef Pierre Chirac; opens Vive, Maison Mer, with her husband; takes part in various cooking shows... In short, Le Quellec has become a respected name in French gastronomy.

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Scène Chef.fe.s
Sep 9, 2024
12:40 PM1:15 PM

Stéphanie Le Quellec

Stéphanie Le QuellecLa ScèneCheffe
She may not wear a cape, but Stéphanie Le Quellec is a culinary superhero. Having braved the George V from an early age, she takes on the great tests of her craft with bewildering mastery: she won Top Chef in 2011, earned 2 Michelin stars at the Prince of Wales before winning them back in her own restaurant, La Scène in 2019. A cook with broad-spectrum gastronomic superpowers: she launches her own caterer, MAM, with her pastry chef Pierre Chirac; opens Vive, Maison Mer, with her husband; takes part in various cooking shows... In short, Le Quellec has become a respected name in French gastronomy.